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There are all sorts of natural ways to keep your locks luscious, healthy, strong, and looking their best. If you’ve never tried aloe vera for hair care, it just might be your new favorite!

We’re all familiar with how aloe vera is good for sunburns, but you may be wondering: Is aloe good for hair?

It absolutely is! In fact, there are many aloe vera benefits for hair. Aloe vera can strengthen your hair, control grease, relieve an itchy scalp, and protect your scalp from UV damage. Some people even claim that aloe vera can promote hair growth. So not only will your hair be stronger and healthier with aloe vera, but it can also be longer. Who would’ve thought an aloe vera plant could transform your hair so much!

In this article, we’ll go over in more detail some of the aloe vera benefits for hair, as well as how to put it to use in your hair care or styling routine. But first, let’s take a look at the plant itself so you can understand why it works wonders on your hair.

What Is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is well-loved among those with lobster-red skin after a little too much time in the sun. You may be familiar with this plant specifically for its ability to soothe and calm sunburned skin.

But just what is aloe vera and what nutrients are hiding in that cool gel?

The aloe vera plant is a succulent. It’s been around for quite some time and has been used throughout centuries not only for health and medicinal purposes but also for skin care and beauty.

Aloe vera contains antioxidants, like vitamins A, C, and E. Plus, it contains vitamin B12, folic acid, choline, amino acids, and several enzymes, one of which helps to reduce topical inflammation.

Speaking of the anti-inflammatory nature of aloe vera, it also has fatty acids and salicylic acid, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

The gel of the aloe vera plant is loaded with everything that we listed above, but it’s also unique in that it is made up of around 99% water.

Just reading all of that, there’s no doubt that aloe vera offers good things for your hair and skin. But let’s take a closer look at the way aloe vera can benefit your hair.

Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera For Hair


One of the main aloe benefits for hair is that it has a moisturizing and anti-aging effect. Aloe vera is straight-up moisturizing (no surprise there) and can infuse much-needed hydration into your hair. But don’t forget about the skin hiding underneath your head of hair! Aloe vera is also great for hydrating a dry scalp.

Aloe vera contains mucopolysaccharides, which can help bind moisture into the skin and makes aloe vera great for a dry scalp. Aloe stimulates fibroblast, which creates the collagen and elastin fibers that are responsible for making your skin more elastic. It also contains amino acids and zinc, which can soften hardened skin and tighten pores. Aloe also has cohesive effects, which can reduce the flaking that’s caused by a dry scalp.

Consistently using aloe vera on your hair will not only moisturize your hair and your scalp, but it can also decrease the appearance of wrinkles and prevent acne. So if you want to have soft locks and a moisturized, dandruff-free scalp, aloe vera is the way to go.


As we talked about earlier, aloe vera has natural anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a natural solution to calm itchy and flaking scalps. Aloe vera contains various fatty acids and hormones that contribute to its anti-inflammatory nature.

Aloe vera contains four plant steroids: cholesterol, campesterol, β-sitosterol, and lupeol. All of these have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic properties that can help to calm an itchy scalp. Aloe vera also contains the plant hormones auxins and gibberellins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can even help heal wounds. So just as aloe vera can soothe a sunburn, it can also soothe an irritated, inflamed scalp.

Because of these fatty acids and hormones, aloe vera has natural anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound healing-properties, which makes it an amazing remedy for a dry scalp. Aloe vera can improve both dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, which is a condition that’s very similar to dandruff, but with more extreme symptoms. 

Overall, using the aloe vera plant for your hair can reduce itchiness, dry scalp, and irritation, and leave you with a cleaner and calmer scalp. 

Full Of Vitamins And Minerals

Some of the vitamins and minerals in aloe vera provide anti-inflammatory benefits, which we just mentioned. But the nutrients in this plant are multi-taskers. Aloe vera is full of vitamins and minerals that can do more for your hair than just reduce inflammation.

Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E, which are antioxidants. Vitamin A is important because it helps your skin glands make a substance called sebum, which moisturizes the scalp and keeps it healthy. Vitamins C and E can protect against the oxidative stress that’s caused by free radicals. Without these vitamins, you’ll be more prone to hair loss.

Aloe vera also contains vitamin B12, folic acid, and choline, which are all necessary nutrients for healthy hair. The  vitamins found in aloe vera can also neutralize free radicals in your hair, which can help to slow the aging process of your hair and keep your locks healthy for longer.

Aloe vera also contains a host of different minerals that are great for your hair. Aloe contains calcium, chromium, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and zinc – all of which play a part in having healthy hair follicles.

Having a deficiency in the vitamins and minerals that are necessary for cell growth can also lead to hair loss, but using aloe vera on your hair consistently can combat this. The vitamins and minerals found in aloe vera can strengthen your hair, and the antioxidants in aloe vera can fight free radical damage, leaving you with overall healthier hair. 


Aloe vera is also a great ingredient for hair care simply because it’s natural.

Aloe vera gel straight from the plant provides hydration, vitamins, and minerals with absolutely no unwanted and potentially damaging chemical ingredients.

If you opt for a product that contains aloe vera, simply look for natural ingredients and avoid questionable ones such as parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances.

With those benefits in mind, let’s get straight to how to use aloe vera for hair.

How To Use Aloe Vera For Hair

If your skin isn’t sensitive to this wonderful plant, full steam ahead when it comes to using aloe vera for your hair!

From hair masks to shampoo and conditioner, there’s something that will fit seamlessly into your hair care routine.

1. Make An Aloe Vera Hair Mask

To take advantage of all the benefits that aloe vera offers, look for a hair mask that lists it as an ingredient. Or create your own hair mask at home!

With the world at your fingertips via the internet, you can find all sorts of recipes for aloe vera hair masks that are also made with easy-to-find ingredients such as apple cider vinegar, honey, and yogurt.

2. Use Aloe As A Styling Gel

Did you know that aloe vera gel can double as a hair gel? That’s right! Use an aloe vera gel, like Babo Botanicals After Sun Soothing Hydrating Aloe Gel, to scrunch your hair just like you would with any run-of-the-mill gel.

This rich and hydrating gel smells fresh and leaves no tacky residue. And it’s made not only with organic aloe vera leaves but also other botanicals including green tea, witch hazel, arnica, and eucalyptus oil.

3. Shampoo With Aloe Vera

Here at Babo Botanicals, we’re such fans of aloe vera that we’ve used it in more than one of our shampoos. From everyday shampoo to baby shampoo and even lice repel shampoo, we’ve got you covered…covered in aloe, that is!

Swim & Sport Citrus Mint Shampoo & Wash

Babo Botanicals Swim & Sport Citrus Mint Shampoo & Wash is a must-have for anyone planning on having fun in the sun this summer!

This chemical-free, purifying shampoo and body wash replenishes, hydrates, and purifies the hair, scalp, and skin after the pool, beach, or outdoor activities.

With natural ingredients like aloe vera, passion fruit seed oil, green tea, and Babo Botanicals’ Organic Nutri-Soothe Complex, this shampoo is sure to please.

This product is also vegan, cruelty-free, and free of common allergens such as gluten, dairy, soy, and peanuts, as well as questionable ingredients like SLS, sulfates, parabens, silicone, and dyes.

Simply apply it to your wet hair and scalp (avoiding the eye area) and then rinse.

Swim & Sport Citrus Mint Shampoo & Wash.

Aloe Shampoo For Little Ones

If you’re wondering “is aloe vera good for babies hair?”, the answer is yes!

The adults in the family aren’t the only ones who can benefit from aloe vera for hair. There is also gentle baby shampoo that contains this moisturizing plant ingredient.

Babo Botanicals Moisturizing Baby Shampoo & Wash is an extra-gentle, plant-based shampoo that is soothing, nourishing, and safe for your baby’s kissable skin. In fact, it’s rated as a number one in safety by the EWG.

Made with oatmilk, this shampoo is perfect for comforting dry, sensitive, irritated, or eczema-prone skin. Calendula oil also helps to soothe dry scalps or cradle cap.

For extra relief when your little one is congested, turn to Babo Botanicals 3 in 1 Eucalyptus Remedy™ Plant Based Shampoo, Bubble Bath and Wash. In addition to aloe vera, this shampoo is made with eucalyptus essential oil, which is known to help aid sleep and relieve coughs, congestion, and colds.

Another one of our favorite shampoos for the little ones is Babo Botanicals EWG Verified Calming Shampoo, Bubble Bath & Wash. Made with the soft, soothing scent of French lavender to relax, soothe, and facilitate more restful sleep, this shampoo is perfect for your baby’s bedtime routine!

And with aloe vera and meadowsweet oil, this plant-based formula gently cleanses and moisturizes your little one’s hair, scalp, and skin.

Condition Your Hair With Aloe Vera

Last but not least, let aloe vera do its moisturizing thing by using it in a conditioner.

Both Babo Botanicals Smoothing Detangling Conditioner and Swim & Sport Citrus Mint Conditioner are crafted with aloe vera along with other hair-healthy ingredients including evening primrose oil, coconut oil, and provitamin B5.

There’s no special trick to using either of these conditioners. As always, apply to damp hair, let it soak for a minute or two, and then gently rinse it out.

That said, if you’re wondering if you’ve been applying conditioner correctly all this time (and exactly why you should use it), read our article here!

Hair Care The Natural Way

Aloe vera is a power plant that is not just for sunburnt skin — it’s also a great idea to use aloe vera for hair care and styling. As a natural, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and nutritious ingredient, aloe vera can really up your hair game!

Take advantage of all it has to offer by making an aloe vera hair mask, using it as a styling gel, or simply working it into your shower routine with shampoo and conditioner, like our Swim & Sport Citrus Mint Shampoo & Wash and Swim & Sport Citrus Mint Conditioner.

Your hair and scalp will thank you!

Wrapping Up

You can try every hair product under the sun and still not achieve the healthy, luscious locks you’ve always dreamed of having. That is, until you try aloe vera.

There are many aloe vera benefits for hair. Aloe vera is moisturizing and anti-inflammatory, which makes it great for dandruff and a dry scalp. But it’s also full of vitamins and minerals that can strengthen your hair and fight free radical damage.

At the end of the day, it’s important to use products that are safe, clean, and natural – which is exactly what aloe vera is. Rather than lathering up your locks in hair products with an ingredient list that you can’t even recognize, aloe vera is simple, all-natural, and great for your hair.

If you’re looking for an aloe vera product to use for your hair, you should check out Babo Botanicals. Babo Botanicals has a range of hair care products that are made with aloe vera and other natural, clean ingredients. We have an aloe vera gel that you can use as a hair gel and a shampoo and conditioner that are designed specifically to hydrate and purify the hair, scalp, and skin. All of Babo’s products are clinically tested, cruelty-free, and vegan, so you can rest assured that you’re only putting the best products on your precious locks.